Chicken police paint it red
Chicken police paint it red

chicken police paint it red

Doctor Bubo and Ursula Fragaria: owl man and bear woman.Natasha Catzenko and her gangster lover Ibn Wessler: cat woman and rat man.I Have Many Names: "Filmar Low" is one of Filmar's many aliases, all of which are just basic permutations of his actual name (Marlowe) since that makes them easier to remember and keep track of.

Chicken police paint it red license#

It's not enough for him to feel sorry for all his black market dealings and experiments that got his license revoked, however.

  • I Coulda Been a Contender!: Bubo muses that he had a bright medical career ahead of him.
  • High-Class Call Girl: Two women in the game used to work at the "Sweltering Nile" brothel, which is only open to the rich and well-connected.
  • Working with him over the course of the two days and reconciling helps him gradually overcome this disdain.
  • Hidden Disdain Reveal: An optional dialogue option that can be experienced in Act 4 if the player chooses to reenter the Weekend House has Marty reveal that he only tagged along with Sonny after the murder to see him screw up, fail, and potentially die during the case.
  • Some people are worried that a second Meat War is brewing.

    chicken police paint it red

    It lasted 27 years, 80-90 million animals died, and 27 species were declared extinct after the war.

  • Great Offscreen War: The Meat War, which happened about 100 years ago.
  • Goggles Do Nothing: Marty goes through the trouble of lugging around his shotgun under his coat for a majority of the game, but outside of brandishing it to threaten information out of persons of interest, he never gets to fire it.
  • The Ghost: Mick, Laura, and Officers Moses & Plato are frequently mentioned but never appear onscreen.
  • chicken police paint it red

    It was simply part of her being, and it attracted me like light attracts the moth people. Sonny: I knew she was trouble the first time I saw her.

  • Femme Fatale: Natasha Catzenko is sexy and mysterious, and trouble follows her.
  • Clawville's insect population have been forcibly confined into a ghetto.
  • Fantastic Racism: The various animal people often refer to each other in casually insulting ways, and there are occasional references to the Separatists, who don't believe that different species should live together.
  • Albert killing her in a jealous rage is what finally got his brother to have him committed to a mental institution.
  • Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas: Ibn truly loved his mother.
  • Eats Babies: One of the worst crimes to come out of the insect Hive neighborhood involves mothers selling their infant larvae on the black market to be eaten as illegal cuisine for particularly macabre clientele.
  • Dying Clue: Deborah unintentionally gives the protagonists one due to how she was killed with no signs of a struggle, implying that either her murderer was exceptionally stealthy or that she knew them well and thought she was safe around them.
  • It soon transpires that this is because "Ibn" doesn't know how his brother's various rackets operate.
  • Dragon-in-Chief: Lightly deconstructed with how the cast is confused as to why Control Freak Ibn Wessler would cede so much authority of his criminal empire to Mick, his top lieutenant.
  • Deliberately Monochrome: Almost entirely in black and white, but with the occasional Splash of Colour.
  • On the other hand, he cannot be bribed, and Sonny worries about what will happen to the city when Bloodboyle retires.
  • Da Chief: Chief Bloodboyle is a racist and can't stand Sonny.
  • Shockingly, between the failed painter and the ruthless gangster, it's the former that you should watch out for.
  • Cain and Abel: Albert and Ibn Wessler.

  • Chicken police paint it red